Episode #60 Don't Make Fear Mean Don't

When you look at the role fear makes in your decision making, do you ever give it magical powers?  Sometimes I do.  I'll have an idea about something I can build or create.  Maybe a unique way that I can offer value to the world - and I'll feel fear.  Then I have thoughts ABOUT that fear like - "Oh man, I wonder why I'm scared - maybe I should wait on this."  or "I have a bad feeling about this, maybe I shouldn't do it."

When I stop and reflect on my logic ...logic which I often categorize as "being realistic" by the way, I am giving my fear this sort all knowing power about the future.  I am making my fear a supernatural power that can tell me if my present choice will pan out or not. Isn't it interesting how it always says, "No ...you'll probably die."

The underlying thoughts is this:  "If this were REALLY a good idea, I wouldn't feel any fear."  Do I really want that thought running my life?  What if I practiced a different thought - "Any amazing destination I want to arrive at is going to require feeling fear along the way."  Could that thought be true?  Does it change the way you might experience your life?  Does it increase your potential for amazing?