
Steadfast Life Coaching

Rediscover Joy

You want to get in touch with the value of enjoying the journey, so you can enjoy the fruit of all your hard work.

Live Your Purpose

Nail down what you’re truly passionate about, so you can wake up with enthusiasm and zeal for life.

Increase Confidence

Leave behind that constant pressure and second-guessing, so you can enjoy your life outside of work.

You're an Athlete
You love to compete. Good or bad you'd rather be "in the arena" than watching from the stands.

Imagine, you create a natural and clean motivation, that’s long-lasting, so you can show up the way you want in each arena.
You're a Dreamer
You have bigger dreams, you want more in life - right?

Awesome! You're 100% right, you are made for MORE because the desires of your heart exist.

Imagine, you genuinely enjoy the journey that you’re currently on, leaving the pressure to perform behind, and walking in more of a natural confidence that positively impacts other areas.
Remain Steadfast Program

Your Investment in Transformation

for 6 months
6 Month Back Pocket Coaching with Jake Monthly
for 12 months
6 Month Back Pocket Coaching with Jake Monthly