Episode #18: 3 Steps to end the cycle of loneliness

Every human being needs connection. We are designed to be social beings. Just like our body needs food. If we need both, why do we feel bad about needing connection but don't feel bad about needing food?

Check out our video, to see what loneliness can look like?

There are several ways we can experience more connection.

Listen to this awesome podcast on 3 steps to breaking the cycle of loneliness.

Feeling the need for connection is no more indicative of your value as a person then feeling a need for food, but for some reason we have a tendency to judge ourselves much more harshly for feeling lonely than we do for feeling hungry.  In this episode Jake and Whitney break down three steps to STOP the cycle of "shoulding" all over your desire to have more humans to talk to.  DOWNLOAD BONUS PDF

This podcast contains references to:

Baya Voce, John Cacioppo, and Margaret Manning

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