The POWER in Forgiveness

Responsibility is not blame - responsibility is your ABILITY to respond, it is taking ownership of reality instead living within the fantasy of what SHOULD be.
Responsibility and Freedom are directly proportional - the more responsibility you take in your life, the more freedom you experience. When that responsibility is connected to being hurt or offended, we call it forgiveness.
Forgiveness is about CHOOSING to let go of the IMPACT of an event. It’s offering yourself the opportunity to regain the energy that’s wasted when you hold on to the hurts, the slights, and the pains of the past.
- Not about pretending something didn’t happen
- Not about pretending there was no pain
- Not about pretending that there aren’t times when people are cruel on purpose
It IS about letting go of the impact on us
“As long as we hold onto the myth that not forgiving is protection, then we’re frozen in place.” - Dr. Lee Baucom
Today is the day to take a small step in the right direction and start your transformational journey! Schedule your breakthrough session here: