Episode #44 Lessons from Langley

It turns out the mountain is one heck of a teacher...

Renee:  It's not just that I CAN do hard things, I WANT to do hard things

Gary:  I have to take a challenge as big as this and break it into small pieces.  Then as I go from one small piece to the next, I know I'll rise to the big challenge in time

Jason: This WILL end - take your mind off of the pain you're experiencing and focus on the slight improvements, then relief is simply a matter of time.

Jen:  When I continue to take the next step, I eventually overcome the obstacle.  The more obstacles I over come, the more equipped I become.  Soon that obstacle looming way down the road ...the one that looks too big for me gets easier and easier because the obstacles in between are making me stronger.

Whitney: Pride in the process of preparation takes the impossible and makes it fun.

Jake:  My words matter ...I refuse to say it's difficult, it's just really, really NEUTRAL!!