Laughing Through the Heavy Stuff

The best word to describe the time we've spent with Lindsey is DELIGHTFUL.  As we worked with her and watched her grow through over 65lbs of weight loss, we would consistently find ourselves blown away by 2 things:

1. Lindsey's willingness to hold her story loosely.  She had her justifications, her excuses, and her well rehearsed stories of her limitations just like the rest of us.  The difference was that she wasn't so chained to them.  When she saw them, rather than fight to defend them ...she would laugh ...HARD!

2.  Lindsey's consistency in her weight loss - as a matter of fact she has had the most steady and uninterrupted weight loss of any client we've worked with.

Now she is NOT the most driven, striving, hustling, grinding client we've worked with ...hmmm, isn't that interesting.

Is there something to this "laughing and adapting" technique of hers??  We think it's worth exploring in a podcast for sure!!