Episode #62 Fear in the Arena

“If you have declared war against the primary part of you called fear, and that war is now playing out in your mind, you’re spending a lot of energy fighting that war. That doesn’t leave a lot of energy for you to compete in your sport. In many ways, over time that war becomes exhausting. In order to get away from that war, people will quit their sport. And people feel like they’re burnt out on their sport but really they’re burnt out on the repression of fear and how much energy that takes.” - Kristen Ulmer
The is an alternative to resisting fear. In the work we do with clients we refer to the facts of a situation as "the C-Line". Even thought fear is an emotion, what if you decided it was a fact? What if you decided that resisting fear was as silly as resisting time?
Try this - just stick fear in the C-Line, then CHOOSE what you think about it. I've had WAY more success with that than trying to find a thoughts that makes the fear go away!