Episode #39 Emotional Adulthood: Examples of Mastery

What if one of your worst nightmares became an actual event in your life story? Imagine that you hear about a fire within 50 miles of your house - you're a positive person, so you decide to keep a cool head and be responsible. You make the choice to evacuate ...just to be safe, or maybe a good example to your neighbors. Maybe you could even make it an "adventure" as you pack up your kids and head to a friends house for a sleep over. A bunch of smiles, laughs, and "don't worry, it will be OK's."
The next day, however, it's ALL GONE ...the house, the stuff, the photos, the toys, the hot tub, the second car ...the surfboards!!!!! It's ALL GONE. How do you react? How do you present yourself to your kids? How long can you stay strong? What do the private moments look like? What happens to your marriage? What happens to your health? What happens to your fun? What happens to your LIFE?
Well - Matt and Nikki lived through ALMOST this exact scenarios ...they didn't lose EVERYTHING - their chimney was still standing :) So the house is gone, they are suddenly homeless, they don't have a change of clothes, they their camping gear, they don't have any idea what happens next - so what do they do.
Well - apparently
Step 1: Borrow surfboards so you can surf
Step 2: Use Facebook to inform the 100 guests for your Christmas party that you will be holding it at a new location!!
Step 3: Start a movement to help others struggling with tough life events called Fun after Fire.
Matt and Nikki are one of a kind - if you don't know them yet, here's how to change that:
Check out Nikki's Blog "Fun after Fire"
Then follow her on Instagram and Facebook