Building From Peace not Pressure


It's described as continuous force exerted on or against. 🤨

When growing in business or a business it’s easy to fall into pressure.

- Constantly thinking of work when you’re not working.
- Not having boundaries on work in your personal life.
- Justifying being stressed most days. - Dreading tasks or deadlines.
- Procrastinating and exhausting yourself.

But, Why?

I want to hit my goals, so bad.

It’s the only way. If I slow down fear and doubt knock on the door, “you’re not doing enough”, “you’re a fraud”.

I am very familiar with this pressure and fear-based mindset.

I also used to motivate myself this way.

It left me burnt out and not enjoying my life.

Imagine, waking up free from that pressure. You feel a healthy motivation that comes with ease.

Working becomes enjoyable again.

You are present with loved ones when you’re not working.

You don’t feel stressed about work.

You get more done because you aren’t dreading it.

I remember when Jake and I started applying these concepts to our business. It felt unfamiliar because we were used to the fear-based motivation.

Jake started paddle boarding during work hours. It felt irresponsible and reckless because there was SOO much to do. I started to read, take walks, and set aside time to enjoy dreaming about possibilities.

A funny thing happened though.
We both came back more inspired and rejuvenated.

We started having fun in our business even with the hard things.

We started to feel more confident free from the disturbance of pressure.
This was a process!

Just like anything, when we stop doing what we're used to doing, to start doing something new, it's uncomfortable.

There's a tension "I should do more" you hear your brain say but you decide to prioritize the self-care instead.

Living in this PURPOSEFUL tension is exactly what gets you out of pressure and becoming more familiar with peace.

It's the only way. Achieving NEW results will not create your peace, you have to intentionally teach your brain how.

If you struggle feeling peaceful and confident in your business, then you’re cutting yourself short in a big area because most of us spend most of our time working.

When you build a multiple six-figure business from fear, hustle, and stress you end up with a business that REQUIRES fear, hustle, and stress. 🤯

It doesn’t switch over once you hit your goal.

Do yourself, and loved ones, a favor: build your success the way you want to live your life- in a fun, peaceful, and sustainable way. 🥰

Jake and I have successfully done this in our own business and have helped several others do it too.

God says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” - Jeremiah 29:11

A future and a hope that's comes from PEACE. Who doesn't want that?!

You can join our 2:1 coaching program or we have a 3 month mastermind you can apply for starting in November.
